

From the PD Manager | March 11, 2024

Late last year CBA Alberta did a PD survey and you told us that you want to learn more about technology. We heard you loud and clear. And just like that [fingers snap], next month we will be launching an innovative new technology series designed especially for lawyers called the Modern Lawyer Series. That’s the power of surveys.

From the PD Manager | April 8, 2024

You may have already heard that CBA Alberta has rolled out a new PD series called the Alberta Lawyer Insight Series (ALIS). But what do you know about it? ALIS is an online PD series so you’ll be able to participate no matter where you are in Alberta. And all ALIS webinars are free for CBA members – just one of the many benefits of CBA membership. I’ve got a couple of fantastic speakers lined for the next two ALIS webinars, which are both coming up in May. You won’t want to miss them.

From the PD Manager | May 6, 2024

Did you know that your CBA membership gives you access to PD from across Canada? No matter what your practice area or level of experience, you’ll find PD that meets your needs on CBA’s searchable cross-country PD website – CBAPD.org.

From the PD Manager | June 3, 2024

CBA Alberta’s PD programming year runs from September until June but that doesn’t mean that you can’t access PD over the summer. Almost all of the PD that CBA Alberta offers outside of Sections is recorded and your CBA membership gives you on-demand access to it anytime and anywhere you want.