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Law Matters

Law Matters | Winter 2016-17

  • February 27, 2017

As technology changes, the legal profession rushes to keep up. Our Winter 2016-17 issue tackles topics including cloud storage and computer dispute resolution, and looks at the technological innovations coming from one of the world's largest law firms.

Law Matters

Law Matters | Fall 2016

  • November 10, 2016

"Diversity" is a popular buzzword in the legal profession today, and it is easy for some to write to off as a passing trend. This issue of Law Matters examines why diversity in the profession is important to the success of practitioners and the profession as a whole, and features some very personal testimonials from those who are most affected by the lack of diversity that currently exists.

North Section, South Section

Alberta Branch Section Manual

  • August 11, 2016

Thanks to volunteers like you, the Canadian Bar Association is well into its second century. Whether you are a prospective section executive member or an existing one, the hope is that this manual will provide you and your executive colleagues with the tools, including best practices information, to make your CBA section successful.

Law Matters

Law Matters | Summer 2016

  • August 08, 2016

Sex, drugs and assisted dying: how free should we be? Our legal experts discuss issues surrounding personal freedoms, including consent, marijuana legalization and the recent assisted dying legislation.