From the PD Manager | May 23, 2023

  • May 23, 2023

I’ve received emails from many of you about lots of PD topics. One issue that has come up several times is the best format for Section meetings – in person or virtual.

According to a survey we did in early 2023, 42% of you prefer virtual meetings, 20% of you prefer in-person meetings and 38% of you like both virtual and in-person meetings. One of my priorities is to figure out how we can satisfy all of these interests. Here are some of my initial thoughts.

In order to provide members with flexibility and choice, hybrid will be the default format for Section meetings in 2023-24. As things stand right now, in-person turnout remains low. Some hybrid meetings have even had to be converted into virtual-only meetings because so few people have signed up to attend in person. If you like in-person meetings, I encourage you to attend in person whenever you can because we can’t hold in-person meetings without people.

Some of you have told us that you want Sections to provide more virtual and in-person opportunities to connect with other members. To increase virtual connections, we’re asking Sections to consider scheduling virtual networking time at the end of meetings. Spoiler alert: We’re upgrading the technology in our boardrooms this summer to improve your virtual meeting experiences!

To increase in-person connections, we’re asking Sections to consider offering more in-person social programming. For example, some Sections hold one or two annual in-person social events in addition to their regular meetings. But why stop with just one Section? Our Section Registrars can help you plan joint in-person social events with other Sections so that even more people can connect.

Do you have thoughts on this topic? Please send me an email or contact the Executive members of your Section directly. You’ll find their email addresses here. If you’re on a Section Executive, please reach out to your Section members for ideas about the kinds of meetings and other events they’d like to see. Let’s all keep this important dialogue going.

Susan Borsic, K.C.
Manager, Professional Development