The CBA Young Lawyers International Program February 01, 2019 Amanda Bahadur Young Canadian lawyers for universal human rights
Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement February 01, 2019 Michelle Hoffman The agreement formerly known as NAFTA
Trapped in the matrix February 01, 2019 Michael O’Brien The continuing legacy of IFP Technologies v. Encana
The case for cannabis amnesty November 01, 2018 Annamaria Eneanjor It’s time to move away from the ineffective and harmful war on drugs
Alberta Liquor, Gaming & Cannabis November 01, 2018 Kirsten Merryweather Making cannabis sales happen in Alberta
The principled principal August 01, 2018 Elizabeth Aspinall What makes for an effective and appropriate article
Orphan Well Association v Grant Thornton Limited August 01, 2018 Dr. Fenner L. Stewart Proper guidance from future courts on disreputable and disinterested regulators